


God's Sovereign Plans

Behind Your Most Unproductive Days



by Pastor John Piper

主講人 約翰派博牧師

Your Priorities  你的優先順序



Now what do I mean by saying, “God’s priorities for efficiency in this life are not ours”? I mean that our priority may be that between 10:00 and 11:00 this morning I planned to run to the bank and get some cash so that I can be back in time to pay the teenager who is cutting my grass while a neighbor watches my two- and four-year-old for me. That’s the plan.


You feel good — I’m making this up — that you very efficiently worked. You feel good that you worked it out. You worked it out so that the neighbor was available, the teenager could come, and you could get to the bank and get back before both of them had other engagements.


Those are your priorities, and you have an efficient plan: cut grass, kids watched, bank trip made, boy paid, everyone off to their next engagement. Victory. Efficiency. That’s what I mean by “our efficiency.”


God’s Priorities  上帝的優先順序


However, God in this case has a totally different set of priorities.


Your neighbor was scheduled to be at a real estate office at 11:30 a.m. so she could join her husband to close on a new house — a house which, unbeknownst to them, has a flawed foundation. The teenager was planning to take his money from cutting the grass and pool it with some of the guys and buy some drugs that they shouldn’t be using. You hit a traffic jam caused by a rollover of a semi (which has another story behind it). You’re locked up on the freeway for an hour. You never even get to the bank.



However, God in this case has a totally different set of priorities.然而,在這個例子裡,上帝有著全然不同的優先順序Your neighbor was scheduled to be at a real estate office at 11:30 a.m. so she could join her husband to close on a new house — a house which, unbeknownst to them, has a flawed foundation. The teenager was planning to take his money from cutting the grass and pool it with some of the guys and buy some drugs that they shouldn’t be using. You hit a traffic jam caused by a rollover of a semi (which has another story behind it). You’re locked up on the freeway for an hour. You never even get to the bank.


You rush home as fast as you can, but you get there an hour late. You have no money to pay the boy, and your neighbor has missed her appointment. You are frustrated almost to tears.


Your efficiency proved utterly useless to accomplish your priorities. You failed, but God’s priorities totally succeeded. He wanted to hinder that boy from buying drugs, he wanted to spare the neighbor from purchasing a house that’s a lemon, and he wanted to grow your faith in his sovereign wisdom and sovereignty.


Now, that’s what I mean by “God’s priorities for efficiency in this life are not ours.”

這就是我剛說的: "上帝對於效率的優先順序跟我們不同"。


Joseph’s Slow Journey 約瑟的緩慢旅程


In my view, this isn’t happening just now and then; it’s happening all the time. When you read the Bible, you see in virtually every book the story of God doing things that are not the way humans would do them or want them done. God almost never takes the shortest route between point A and point B.


The reason is that such efficiency — the efficiency of speed and directness — is not what he’s about. His purpose is to sanctify the traveler, not speed him between A and B. Frustrating human efficiency is one of God’s primary — I say primary, not secondary — means of sanctifying grace.



The story of Joseph in Genesis 37–50 is one of the clearest examples, right? Joseph is hated by his brothers, thrown in a pit, sold into slavery, sold to Potiphar, accused of sexual harassment, thrown into prison, forgotten by Pharaoh’s butler, then finally — seventeen years in? — made vice president of Egypt so that he could save his family from starvation.

創世紀第37章到第50章就是最明顯的例子,對吧? 約瑟為他的兄弟們所痛恨,被丟入坑洞,賣去作奴隸,賣給波提乏,被指控性騷擾,再受牢獄之災,被法老的臣子遺忘,最後--十七年後--變成埃及的"副總統",使得約瑟可以拯救他的家人免於饑荒。

The moral of the story comes in Genesis 50:20. Joseph says to his brothers, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” God had an agenda. God had a plan. God meant it for good.

故事的意義可從創世紀第50章第20節看出端倪。約瑟對他的兄弟說: "從前你們的意思是要害我,但神的意思原是好的,要保全許多人的性命,成就今日的光景。" 上帝有祂的時程,有祂的計畫。上帝的本意原為良善。

It’s as if he said, “You guys, you rascals, were the ‘traffic jam’ that kept me from getting to the bank for seventeen years. But God was positioning me to be the savior of my people, and he was in no hurry. I was being tested at every single point. Would I trust him with his seemingly meaningless inefficiency? It wasn’t meaningless.”

就像他說: "你們這群冥頑之徒,就是讓我十七年都去不了銀行的擁塞。但是上帝把我放在一個為了拯救我民的位置,且祂並不倉促。我不斷受到考驗。我能信任上帝看似沒意義的效率嗎? 那並非沒有意義。"

Paul’s Change of Plans 保羅計畫的改變


When Paul was trying to get to Spain, he did so with a good plan. He had a plan — he had a really good plan. He basically said, “I’m going to go to Jerusalem and deliver the money. Then I’m going to get on a boat, go to Rome, gather some support, and end my life in Spain.” What a great plan. But then he found himself in prison in Rome. What did he say?

當保羅試著前往西班牙,他透過一個好計畫來達成。他有個計畫--非常好的計畫。他基本上說: "我要去耶路撒冷交錢,然後坐船去羅馬,在那找尋支持我的人,然後在西班牙度過餘生。" 多麼好的計畫。 但是後來他在羅馬入監。他說了甚麼?

He says it in Philippians 1:12–13: “I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.”

腓立比書第1章12節到13節,保羅說: "弟兄們, 我願意你們知道, 我所遭遇的事更是叫福音興旺; 以致整個王宮衛隊和所有其餘的人,都清楚我是為基督的緣故被捆鎖的。"


His priorities for efficiently getting to Spain were shattered, but God’s purposes to evangelize the imperial guard in Rome stayed right on track.


A Daily Plan 每日計畫

By all means, make your list of to-dos for the day. By all means, get as good at that as you can get. Prioritize the list. Get first things first. Make your plan. Do the very best you can. Go ahead and read a book about it.


Then walk in the peace and freedom that, when it shatters on the rocks of reality, which it will most days, remember, you’re not being measured by God by how much you get done. You’re being measured by whether you trust the goodness and the wisdom and the sovereignty of God to work this new mess of inefficiency for his glory and the good of everyone involved, even when you can’t see how.





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