

God and Commuter/Office Blues


Living in Taiwan, Ms. Su-Miao have learned a set of "ninja" tactics when taking MRT.


No matter how crowded the MRT is, I just have to adjust the angle I'm standing and keep rolling! 


However, I still feel frustrtaed and mad sometimes.


I've been hit many times and the person who did this pretend nothing happened.


Therefore, I just have to complain to Father a bit!


Please see the following dialogue:


上帝: 看妳臉色不太好,怎麼啦?

God: You don't seem to look too good, what's wrong?


酥喵: 還不是捷運一堆沒禮貌的人。

Ms. Su-Miao: There are so many impolite people on the MRT.


上帝: 我都知道啊! 我每天都有看到呢。

God: Yes, I know!  I see them everyday.


酥喵: 我真的很生氣,上帝。我討厭那些煩人的人。

Ms. Su-Miao: I am really angry, God. I hate those annoying people.


上帝: 這麼容易就生氣啊? 雖然我知道他們的確沒有以該有的樣子對待妳。

God: You get mad so easily?  Although I know they have not treated you the way they should.


酥喵: 當然不是。只是早上心情容易波動,加上公司又不順,唉。

Ms.Su-Miao: Of course not.  It's just I get irritated more easily in the morning, plus I have a bad time at the office, sigh.


上帝: 人生的難題,我都很清楚。但是重要的是,這些難題都沒有帶給妳好處嗎?

God: I know all about life's hardships.  But the most important thing is, have those hardships bring you any good?


酥喵: 好處? 我高血壓都快飆上來了。

Ms. Su-Miao: Good? My blood pressure is soaring because of this.


上帝: 好處不在我以外喔,而妳每天的生活都是我精心安排的。捷運很擠,但是很省錢吧?

God: You know that apart from me there's no good thing right? I arrange your daily life in an intricate way.

The MRT is crowded but helps you save money right?



Ms. Su-Miao: True.


上帝: 搭捷運也給妳時間上網聽聽牧師講道啊! 對不對?

God: Taking the MRT also gives you time to listen to priest's teachings online right?


酥喵: 也是。

Ms. Su-Miao: True.


上帝: 那些推擠妳的人,他們若不學習如何做個有禮貌的人,妳覺得他們的人生會如何?

God: People who pushed past you, if they don't learn how to be a polite person, what do you think their lives will be?


酥喵: 會遇到收拾他們的人。

Ms. Su-Miao: They will meet people who will "take care" of them.


上帝: 他們自然會嘗到自身行為帶來的後果的。人不可能永遠逃避而不變得更成熟。

God: They will endure the consequences of their own doings.  You cannot espace forever and not grow up.


酥喵: 謝謝祢,上帝。

Ms. Su-Miao: Thank you, God.


上帝: 有時候妳只是需要聊聊。喔對了! 妳剛有提到工作的事情?

God: Sometimes you just need to talk.  Oh yes! You mentioned about your job?


酥喵: 對啊! 我快要離職了。

Ms. Su-Miao: Yes, I'm about to quit.


上帝: 為甚麼呢?

God: Why?


酥喵: 這份工作沒有成長,而且老闆看我不順眼。

Ms. Su-Miao: There's no growth in this job, and the bosses don't like me.


上帝: 那妳有嘗試改變嗎?

God: Have you tried to change?


酥喵: 有啊! 但是她們就是只愛男人囉!

Ms. Su-Miao: Yes! But they just only love men!


上帝: 原來是這樣啊! 我知道妳很努力禱告,而這份工作也是我給妳的。

God: I see! I know you have prayed really hard, and I gave you this job.


酥喵: 我盡力了,上帝。我不想在一個充滿歧視的環境工作。

Ms.Su-Miao: I tried my best, Father.  I don't want to work in a place filled with discrimination.


上帝: 嗯,如果妳都努力了,有時候大環境是很難改變的。那麼,我還是會全力支持妳的。

God: Hm, if you tried your best.  The environment is hard to change sometimes.  Then, I will give you my full support.


酥喵: 天父最好了(抱)!

Ms. Su-Miao: Father you are the best (hug)!











    創作者 小小基督徒酥喵羊 的頭像


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