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How To Talk To God?


Talking to God involves a very spiritual, personal, often private, relationship. With so many religions and popular opinions about relating to God, figuring out how you should talk to God may seem complicated. But it doesn’t have to be. How you choose to connect and talk to God will simply boil down to what seems right to you. No matter your spiritual preference or religion, learning how to communicate effectively with God can be achieved with the following tips.

與上帝溝通包含了跟祂在靈性,私人層面,與私密的關係。許多宗教跟時下觀點皆有描述與上帝的關係,所以要知道如何與祂對話可能看似複雜。然而也許事實並非如此! 其實,就是以你認為適合的方式來與祂對話即可。無論你在靈性上有何偏好,下面有一些能幫助你有效率的與上帝溝通的小撇步:


1. Determine how you see God. You’ll need to determine who God is to you in order to confidently talk to God. Who is, and how do you define, God? Do you know God as a fatherly or motherly figure, a teacher, a distant -- or a close friend, sticking closer than a sister or brother? Or, is God an abstract spiritual guide? Is your connection to God rooted in a personal, spiritual relationship you have with God? Or, do you follow the form and order of your religion to understand who God is to you? Whichever is true for you will dictate how you view and talk to God. And, however you see God determines how you will approach God to talk to Him as ______ (as you see Him).

1.決定上帝在你心中的定位: 你需要決定上帝在你心中的定位,才能有與祂溝通的信心。上帝是誰? 你如何定義祂? 對你而言,上帝是比較像是父親還是母親? 是老師還是密友?或是比較少連絡的朋友? 比兄弟姊妹還親密嗎? 或是,上帝是一位抽像的靈性領導人? 你與上帝的關係是私人層面或是精神層面為基礎? 或是你以聖經或信仰相關教義來認識上帝? 不管上述哪個是正確的,將會影響你如何與神溝通。但是,你如何看上帝會決定你視祂為___________(以你的角度)來進行對話。


2. Establish a relationship with a caring God. It’s easier to talk to someone when you persist to establish a speaking relationship with a person that really cares. So, your telling God your burdens and joys helps bond your relationship with God. Figuring out that God wants to hear from you and to share all your joys, pains and thoughts with you is the first step to establishing that relationship. And you can build on it by reading about how much God cares in spiritual literature or religious texts, such as the Bible.

2.與慈愛的上帝建立關係(最重要!): 當你跟一個真正在乎你的人建立關係時,溝通上當然就較為順暢。所以,當你告訴上帝你的負擔與快樂,你正在與上帝建立親密關係。了解上帝會垂聽也願意與你分享你的喜怒哀樂,就是跟上帝建立關係的第一步。你也可以透過聖經來更深了解上帝對人類的關愛。


3. Talk to God as you would a close, loving but all-powerful friend. Talking to God as a tremendous friend is different from just praying to God as a need or duty. As with a friend, you expect back-and-forth communication by noticing how God answers, helps or teaches you. While prayer may be more of a one-way transaction, talking implies a conversation.
  • You can talk to God out loud or inside your mind, whichever feels most effective to you.
  • It may be best to find a quiet or private space you can occupy in order to concentrate while you’re talking. If you can’t, it’s okay to talk silently to God while you’re standing in the checkout line at the grocery store, sitting in a waiting room, or while you’re at work or school, etc.

3. 將上帝視為一位全能者及慈愛的好友來對話: 將上帝視為一位特別又大有能力的朋友來對話,更勝於為責任而禱告。上帝就像好朋友一樣,對話間你來我往,你也會發現上帝給你答案,幫助你或是教導你。單方禱告可能類似單方的獨白,但是"對話"表示有互動的溝通。




4. Have a talk with God. Talk to God similarly as you would, if a physical person were standing in front of you. You can talk to God about your daily troubles, your thoughts at the moment, your hopes and dreams, and even tell Him (and tell yourself) the things for which you’re thankful. You can tell God about casual or hard topics just as you would with a concerned friend.
4. 與上帝好好對談: 就當作上帝真正站在你面前般與祂對談。你可以告訴祂你每日面對的困擾,你當時的想法,你的渴望跟夢想,更可以告訴祂你感激祂為你作的事情。就把上帝當作一個真正關心你的好朋友來談論日常瑣事或是人生大事吧!
如: 上帝,我今天真的很累,工作一直被嫌棄,請你給我力量面對這一切。
5. Watch for and pay attention to possible feedback. You may not get an audible response like you would, if a friend were physically standing in front of you. But you can receive a response from God in the written word of God or from the sermon of a minister. Anticipate it to also come in the form of an intuition, an inspiration, a scripture, a situation or an event that directly or indirectly relates to what you’ve been talking about to God.
5. 注意上帝的回應(很重要): 或許你不會"聽到"你所期待上帝的回應,不像跟真正看見的好友一樣。但是你可以透過聖經裡上帝的字句,一個想法,靈感,經文,甚至經歷一個剛好回應你與上帝對話內容的狀況。



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