
10 Qualities of Jesus Men Should Strive to Have




Brent Rinehart


When I was a kid, I loved playing basketball in my driveway. I would pretend to be Isaiah Thomas, David Robinson, Magic Johnson or Michael Jordan. I would even lower the hoop so I could dunk. When it came to basketball, I was a long way from being like any of those guys. But, it sure was fun.

In our careers—and in life—we all have role models. There are those people who have had success that we want to duplicate, or people who have lived with qualities we want to emulate. Both my father and my father-in-law are two such people – men who have had successful careers, yes, but more importantly have been great husbands, fathers and leaders. Both of these men, and countless others I think of as I am writing this, have followed one example in their lives … and it’s the example we all should follow: the example of Jesus.

My daughter recently asked me how Jesus could be fully God AND fully man. Admittedly, I don’t understand a theologically complex question like that, at least not to my own satisfaction. But, I trust God's word, and I know that while Jesus was here in the flesh, He walked the same proverbial roads I as a man walk today. He experienced emotion. He got tired, hungry, sad and angry. And, all the while, He lived a perfect life and showed me the kind of man I should strive to be.
我女兒最近問我,上帝怎麼能又是神又全然是人呢? 我不瞭解這問神學上複雜的問題,至少無法給自己一個滿意的答覆。但是,我相信上帝的話語,還有我知道耶穌曾降為肉身,祂與我身為人類同樣走上常人要行的路。祂經歷了情感的流動。祂會疲倦,捱餓,難過還有生氣。但是,就算這樣,他仍舊活出完美的樣式,也示範給我看應該怎樣學習跟祂一樣。

As you look at the life of Jesus, here are 10 character traits He exemplified that are important for us as men today.


1. Loving.充滿愛心。

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love” (1 John 4: 7-8). God loves us … He is love. And, Jesus is the ultimate example of love, as He died for us. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). The Bible is pretty clear when it comes to the command to love.
"親 愛 的 弟 兄 阿 , 我 們 應 當 彼 此 相 愛 , 因 為 愛 是 從 神 來 的 。 凡 有 愛 心 的 , 都 是 由 神 而 生 , 並 且 認 識 神 。沒 有 愛 心 的 , 就 不 認 識 神 , 因 為 神 就 是 愛 。"(約翰一書4:7-8)。神愛我們,祂就是愛。還有,耶穌是愛的最終榜樣,因為祂為我們而死。
人 為 朋 友 捨 命 , 人 的 愛 心 沒 有 比 這 個 大 的 。" (約翰福音15:13)。聖經對於愛的誡命是十分清晰。


2. Forgiving.能夠原諒。

We all know we are supposed to forgive others when they wrong us. But, we still have problems doing it. It’s hard enough to forgive those we love, let alone those who we might consider to be our enemies. Yet, Jesus managed to extend forgiveness to the guards who were crucifying them … in the middle of the act! “And Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ And they cast lots to divide his garments” (Luke 23:34). What a powerful lesson that is for us!
我們都知道當別人對不起我們的時候,我們應該原諒。但是,我們還是在執行上有困難。要原諒我們愛的人已經夠困難,更不要說那些我們認為是敵人的人了。但是,耶穌卻有辦法原諒把他們釘上十字架的侍衛,就在祂被釘上的瞬間! "當 下 耶 穌 說 : 父 阿 ! 赦 免 他 們 ; 因 為 他 們 所 做 的 , 他 們 不 曉 得 。 兵 丁 就 拈 鬮 分 他 的 衣 服 。" (路加福音23:34)。這對我們來說是何等震撼有力的一課啊!


3. Humility.懂得謙遜。

It seems that many of the religious leaders at the time of Jesus were looking for something else. They expected the Messiah to come in to hold political power and right every wrong. But, Jesus himself said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Jesus is the ultimate example of a humble, servant leader. Consider the time he washed his disciples’ dirty feet: “Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him” (John 13:5). There’s no room for arrogance in a heart committed to Christ. We need to pray for humility and be prepared for God to shape us into the image of Christ – an image of servitude toward others.
好像很多耶穌那時候的宗教領袖都在尋找其他東西。他們期待彌賽亞來到世界,能掌握政權,然後把所有的錯誤糾正。但是,耶穌自己說,"因 為 人 子 來 , 並 不 是 要 受 人 的 服 事 , 乃 是 要 服 事 人 , 並 且 要 捨 命 作 多 人 的 贖 價 。"(馬可福音10:45)。耶穌就是一位謙遜,為民服務的領導的終極榜樣。想想看,祂幫祂門徒清洗不乾淨的雙腳: "隨 後 把 水 倒 在 盆 裡 , 就 洗 門 徒 的 腳 , 並 用 自 己 所 束 的 手 巾 擦 乾 。"(約翰福音13:5)。對全然順服基督的心來說,根本沒有驕傲的餘地。我們需要為謙遜禱告,並且為了上帝把我們建造的更像祂而準備-為了他人而奉獻的樣式。


4. Compassion.要有同理心。

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). I’m so thankful that Jesus is full of compassion towards us, when we’ve done nothing to warrant it. We are helpless; we are sheep without a shepherd. Observing this quality of Jesus reminds us of the importance of having compassion for other people. Unlike Jesus, we don’t know what they are going through, which gives us even more reason to give them the benefit of the doubt.
"他 看 見 許 多 的 人 , 就 憐 憫 他 們 ; 因 為 他 們 困 苦 流 離 , 如 同 羊 沒 有 牧 人 一 般 。"(馬太福音9:36)。我很感激,耶穌對我們充滿同理心,當我們沒有做甚麼去成為交換此事的擔保。我們無助,我們是沒有牧羊人的羊群。觀察耶穌的這個特質,提醒我們對於其他人的同理心很重要。不像耶穌,我們不知道他們經歷了甚麼,也給我們更多理由去姑且相信他們。


5. Gentleness.充滿溫柔。

A perfect picture of the gentleness of Jesus is when He encourages the children to come to Him. I can just picture Him kneeling down on the ground and talking to the kids on their level. Jesus was direct when He had to be, but He had a knack for communicating with gentleness. Today, our culture seems to celebrate men who speak their mind and pull no punches, as if being a bully is an admirable trait. On the contrary, Jesus Himself said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9).
當耶穌鼓勵孩子到祂面前,這就是溫柔的最完美的表現。我已經可以看到祂蹲在地上,然後跟孩子在水平的位置跟他們說話。耶穌需要直來直往的時候祂就會如此,但是祂也深諳用溫柔來溝通的方式。今日,我們的文化似乎鼓勵那些直接說出想法,毫不留情的人,好像霸凌是一個很值得敬仰的特質。相反地,耶穌自己曾說,"使 人 和 睦 的 人 有 福 了 ! 因 為 他 們 必 稱 為 神 的 兒 子 。"(馬太福音5:9)。


6. Self-Control.懂得自律。

“A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls” (Proverbs 25:28). Jesus lived a sinless life, despite being tempted by Satan himself. Satan presented Jesus with everything this world has to offer to no avail. Exhibiting self-control is not easy. “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Jesus showed self-control to give us an example of how we can. Men, we can have self-control. The Bible promises that if you “Resist the devil, he will flee from you” (James 4:7).
"人 不 制 伏 自 己 的 心 , 好 像 毀 壞 的 城 邑 沒 有 牆 垣 。"(箴言25:28)。耶穌活出一個沒有罪的人生,雖然被撒旦誘惑。撒旦在耶穌面前展現世界的一切要給祂,但是也沒有用。展示自律並不容易。"我 將 這 些 事 告 訴 你 們 , 是 要 叫 你 們 在 我 裡 面 有 平 安 。 在 世 上 , 你 們 有 苦 難 ; 但 你 們 可 以 放 心 , 我 已 經 勝 了 世 界 。"(約翰福音16:33)。耶穌顯示了自律,也給了我們跟隨的榜樣。身為人類,我們可以自律。聖經上也承諾: "故 此 , 你 們 要 順 服 神 。 務 要 抵 擋 魔 鬼 , 魔 鬼 就 必 離 開 你 們 逃 跑 了 。"(雅各書4:7)。


7. Patience.充滿耐心。

“But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life” (1 Timothy 1:16). Jesus had perfect patience. He waited 30 years to begin His public ministry. The time had to be right. And, He shows perfect patience with us, using the right time and circumstances in our lives to mold us and shape us. Often, we need to show more patience in our lives and with the people around us.
"然 而 , 我 蒙 了 憐 憫 , 是 因 耶 穌 基 督 要 在 我 這 罪 魁 身 上 顯 明 他 一 切 的 忍 耐 , 給 後 來 信 他 得 永 生 的 人 作 榜 樣 。"(提摩太前書1:16)。耶穌有完全的耐心。祂等了三十年才開始走入人群傳道。時間必須要正確。還有,祂對我們顯明了完全的耐心,利用正確的時間還有事件在我們的生命中建造我們。通常,我們在我們的生命裡還有對其他人都需要多一點耐心。


8. Obedience.懂得順服。

“And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Phillipians 2:8). I can’t imagine the agony Jesus felt, knowing the ultimate path He was on. He even asked the Father for a different way. But, in the end, He was obedient to the Father’s will. Many of us tend to have a hard time with obedience. We question our leaders; we usually think our way is better. God has placed people in authority over us, and we should take a lesson from Christ in demonstrating obedience when called upon.
"既 有 人 的 樣 子 , 就 自 己 卑 微 , 存 心 順 服 , 以 至 於 死 , 且 死 在 十 字 架 上 。" (腓立比書2:8)。我無法想像耶穌的痛苦,當祂知道祂行走最終的道路是往何處。祂甚至要求天父給祂一條不同的道路。但是,最後,祂還是順服上帝的旨意。我們很多人對於順服這件事情很難做到。我們懷疑我們的領導者;我們通常覺得我們的方式比較好。上帝把一些權位有高過我們的人放在我們生活裡,我們應該從基督裡學習當我們必須順服的時候就要順服。



9. Honesty.要有誠信。

Jesus didn't just tell the truth, He is the Truth. “Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'” (John 14:6). In the age of fake news, “alternative facts,” and relative truth, honesty seems to be fading in value. No one seems to care about honesty and integrity anymore. I’m here to say that there’s hardly a more important trait for a Godly man than to be honest.
耶穌不只是說誠實話,祂就是真理。"耶 穌 說 我 就 是 道 路 、 真 理 、 生 命 ; 若 不 藉 著 我 , 沒 有 人 能 到 父 那 裡 去 。"(約翰福音14:6)。在這個假新聞,"另類事實",還有相對真理的年代,誠信似乎成了褪色的價值。好像已經沒有人在乎誠信還有廉正了。而我在這裡說明,對於上帝的子民來說,幾乎沒有一個比誠信更重要的特質了。



10. Prayerful.常常禱告。

One of my favorite traits of Jesus is his commitment to prayer. Before anything major was about to take place, Jesus spent time alone in prayerful conversation with the Father. “But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray” (Luke 5:16). Men, prayer needs to be a priority for us if we want to lead our families well. 
我最喜歡耶穌的特質之一就是祂常常禱告。就在任何重要的事情要進行以前,耶穌都會獨自禱告,跟天父透過禱告對話。" 耶 穌 卻 退 到 曠 野 去 禱 告 。" (路加福音5:16)。人類必須把禱告當成首要的事情,如果我們的家庭想要安穩。








如果是你,你願意聽上帝的話,乖乖去送死嗎? 還是為了不在乎你的人。






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