




10 Reasons to Never Miss a Sunday



Kristen Terrette


Days are short, and we are busy. Carving out time to spend Sundays in a church community may seem impossible. I know because I’ve missed quite a few in my thirty-six years, which is why I’m the perfect person to offer some reasons to never miss one.

I grew up going to church and believed in Jesus at a young age, but during my young adult life I thought I had better things to do on Sundays. I wandered, thinking I was invincible and in control of my destiny. On the surface, I was doing okay. I didn’t get into trouble with the law. I worked and paid my bills. I tried to be kind and encouraging to those around me.

But my insides were anything but okay. It wasn’t until God used events like my tough marriage, parenthood, a bankruptcy, and a failed business to reorient my life back to Him that I became healthy internally as well. A big part of getting healthy involved my church attendance, so I know the power of sitting in those rows.

Here are my 10 reasons to never miss a Sunday: 以下是完全不要錯過主日敬拜的十個理由:


1. God Deserves the Sacrifice of Our Time


I’ve now walked with God long enough to be able to look back at both the trials and celebrations in my life, and see how good He is. He brought me out of financial failure, He saved me from an addiction, He resurrected my marriage when it was heading toward ruin, and He healed my sister from a devastating sickness. Every heartbreak was used for good, and because of His faithfulness and love, He deserves a sacrifice of my time. 

If you are in a desperate place, know that He can bring you wholeness and healing. He can save you; His death on the cross already has. A church community provides a safe place to hear and accept His message of salvation. The time you sacrifice on Sundays to learn about His love for you and how He works is never wasted. 


2. A Worship Service Starts My Week Out Right


That is such a cliché statement, but sometimes clichés make sense. Many times I’ve entered a Monday, the worst day of the week according to my Facebook feed, and almost reacted to—let’s call it an issue—in an un-Christ-like way. Thankfully, I’m able to pull from a reserve of grace stored up during Sunday worship and change my reaction before it gets me into trouble. 

If Sunday messages fulfill their purpose to teach me about Jesus’ love and saving grace, then certainly I should be able to use this knowledge to diffuse a situation or shed light in a dark place. Carrying a heart full of knowledge and praise for God into our week can never be a bad thing.


3. God Deserves My Worship and Praise


Psalm 95:2 says, “Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.” The book of Psalms, the third-largest in the Bible, is full of songs and prayers to God. This should clue us in to the importance of worshipping Him. Whether it be through singing, clapping, raising our hands, dancing, playing an instrument, or swaying to the beat, God deserves our worship. If my week has been an epic fail or an epic victory, I need to lift my voice and sing praises to Him, the Creator of the universe. 
詩篇95:2說: "我們要來感謝祂,用詩歌向他歡呼!"詩篇這本書,也是聖經裡面第三大部,充滿著讚美上帝的歌曲以及禱文。這應該暗示了我們敬拜上帝的重要性。不管是透過唱歌,拍手,舉手,跳舞,演奏樂器,或是隨著節奏搖擺,上帝值得我們的敬拜。如果我這禮拜超級好或是超級不好,我都需要拉高嗓門唱歌來讚美上帝,也就是宇宙的創造者。

This worship and praise can, and should, be done in an intimate space between you and God, but never underestimate the power of corporate worship. Notice Psalm 95:2 says, “Let us come before him…” Instances of people worshipping together occur again and again in Scripture. Imagine what God sees when He looks at a group of people collectively singing and praising Him on a Sunday. 


4. It Sets a Pattern and Example for My Children to




I was in children’s ministry for many years, so I’m an advocate of making regular church attendance a habit for your children. Proverbs 22:6 encourages, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” A similar verse appears in  Isaiah 30:21b: “This is the way; walk in it.” Then there’s John 14:6 in which Jesus declares, “I am the way…” These verses confirm that God wants our children to know about Him. 
我曾在兒童主日部多年,所以我提倡讓孩子固定在教會聚會。箴言22:6鼓勵說: "教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。"在以賽亞書30:21裡面也有類似的經文: "你或向左或向右,你必聽見後邊有聲音說:「這是正路,要行在其間。」" 約翰福音14:6,也就是耶穌宣布: "我就是道路、真理、生命。要不是藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去。"。這些經文確認了上帝希望祂的兒女可以認識祂。

Setting a godly example and teaching your children about Him through His Word at home is critical, but don’t fail to see the power of a godly community surrounding and encouraging this. If I place value on my Sunday attendance, it is my hope my children will mimic this behavior as adults.  

Start establishing the importance of learning and worshipping God with fellow believers early, while striving to do so as well. I’m already seeing the benefit of having other women, whom I respect greatly, pour in to my teenage daughter and help her to grow spiritually. 


5. God Wants Me to Serve Others



God has gifted everyone with talents and skills which are unique to them. Christ desires us to use these gifts and work together to reach His hurting world and to build up His body. 

Understanding lighting and sound equipment isn’t in my skill set, nor do I have the desire to learn about either. I do, however, love to get in front of elementary school children and bring a Bible story to life. 

God may never ask a tech guru to teach on stage, and He may never ask me to get behind a sound board, but He will ask me to do what I can do. The church needs me. Don’t fail to use your talents and skills to serve Him.


6. It's a Chance to Visit with My Church Family



For believers, Jesus’ life on earth is our example to follow. Luke 4:16 tells us, “He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went to the synagogue, as was his custom.” Did you catch that? As was His custom, His norm. The New Testament is full of stories about Jesus going to synagogues, or the Temple to learn (as a child), teach, and worship God. 
對於信徒來說,耶穌的生活就是我們在世的榜樣。路加福音4:16告訴我們: "耶 穌 來 到 拿 撒 勒 , 就 是 祂 長 大 的 地 方 。 在 安 息 日 , 照 祂平 常 的 規 矩 進 了 會 堂 , 站 起 來 要 念 聖 經 。" 你看到了嗎? 這是祂的規矩,祂日常的生活。新約聖經裡面充滿耶穌去會堂,或是神殿去學習的故事(還是小孩的時候),然後敬拜神。

His life with the disciples also demonstrates the need for friends with the same goal⎯to tell people about Him. His disciples were far from perfect, but they loved and believed in Him. They followed Him to synagogues and mountainsides. In return, Jesus loved and cherished those friendships. 
祂跟祂的門徒也顯明了需要共同目標的朋友- 告訴人關於祂的事情。祂的門徒一點都不完美,但是他們愛祂也相信祂。他們跟隨祂去會堂,也去山邊。而耶穌也回以愛,還有珍惜他們之間的友誼。

By design, God’s church is a group of people seeking one thing⎯a relationship with Him, and with His followers. He desired this to be a group effort from the start, and we need to honor Him by not seeking to know Him in isolation, for that is not His example. 


7. Others are Watching



My family doesn’t attend church for props; in fact, this world is increasingly hostile towards those who consistently go to church. We live near a large youth ballpark, and every Sunday morning we see cars spilling out of the parking lot. The mainstream no longer views Sundays as a time for worshipping God.

As 1 John 2:15 says, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.” 
就像約翰一書2:15所說,"不 要 愛 世 界 和 世 界 上 的 事 。 人 若 愛 世 界 , 愛 父 的 心 就 不 在 他 裡 面 了 。"

As Christians, we must demonstrate our love for our Father and His people by going against the mainstream’s norm. We have to show Christ to a hurting world, to be like Him amongst the chaos. This means not living as the world lives and loving what the world loves. Carving out time for Him on Sundays shows our commitment to make Him a priority. 


8. It's Good for My Relationships





Typically, my husband and I are working on different Bible studies. I’ve often found that sitting side-by-side in those uncomfortable church chairs and listening to a message helps our spiritual journeys intersect. We regularly discuss songs the band played or something our pastor said during his teaching. We draw closer to one another because of our mutual desire to grow in a strong, loving relationship with Jesus.  

This is true for singles as well, because your church service should feel like time spent with like-minded friends. If you don’t have someone you can attend with, discuss the teachings, and worship with on a regular basis, start looking for someone to fill this place in your life. They may already be sitting next to you in service. 


9. It Reminds Me to Give Back



I’ve seen God vastly improve our finances once we committed to giving back, monetarily, to Him; but this topic is for another article altogether. 

Did you know that during the summer, when families typically vacation, offerings are at their lowest for the year? Out of sight, out of mind, right? 
你知道暑假的時候,家庭通常會去渡假的時候,奉獻的金額就是一年裡最低? 不去看,不去想,對吧?

This impacts the church, our communities, and the world. My church donates locally and globally to non-profits and missions, and I know many churches do the same. Most can’t deny the positive impact of charities which help the poor, hungry, and hurting. Attending a church service always reminds me to give back, to go above and beyond to give and serve. And in doing so, God has never failed to take care of my house and I.  


10. God Wants to Use Me



We’re given choices, both small and large, each day. Sometimes what I think are small choices are actually big ones to God. 

Have you ever had the urge to go say hello to someone and discovered they were in crisis and needed prayer? Have you ever texted someone God placed on your heart and found they really needed to hear those words? Have you ever smiled at or given a hug to someone and later learned that one small gesture changed the course of their day? 
你有沒有想要跟人打招呼的衝動,然後發現他們正經歷危機,也需要禱告? 你有沒有傳訊息給上帝放在你心上的人然後發現他們很需要那些話? 你有沒有對著一個人微笑或是給他一個擁抱,然後發現這樣的小舉動對他們的一天產生改變?

God uses us to reach people, and sometimes it’s in the smallest of choices that He uses us to make the biggest impact. But … He can’t use us if we’re absent. 





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