「happiness jesus」的圖片搜尋結果






Can We Really be Joyful

without Money and Stuff?



Pete Briscoe


Sitting Bull, the great Sioux chief, once said of the white man, “The love of possessions is a disease in them.” If it was a disease in 1875, it’s a pandemic now.
坐牛,美國印地安人蘇族,曾對白人說過: "熱愛物質就是一種病徵。" 如果這病徵是發生在1875,那麼現在已經普遍傳染了。

Even though we know in our heart of hearts that more is not better, we keep accumulating things at an alarming rate.  Dave Bruno, the author of “The 100 Thing Challenge,” got rid of most of his possessions – keeping only 100 – so he could live a simpler and more meaningful life.

“In our culture, excess equals success,” he says. That’s another way of saying the more you have, the happier you will be.
"在我們的文化裡,過多才等於成功。" 他說。換句話說,這就是意味著你擁有的越多,你就會越快樂。

Excess actually means extra or surplus. One dictionary defines excess as “unrestrained overindulgence.” Unrestrained overindulgence is success in our culture, and we have bought into it.
過多的意義就是多餘的,或是剩餘的。一個字典裡定義過多為: "沒有節制的奢華享受。" 沒有節制的奢華享受就等於是成功,在我們的文化裡,然後我們也照單全收了。

In reality, less is better. If we shift the way we live, we will be countercultural. But that’s OK; that’s what the church is called to be. It’s actually better to have less than to have more.

If you own less, you have more time to invest in other things. You don’t have to clean, organize, manage, fix or replace your stuff. You actually save money if you own less. Then you have more money to do the things you really want to do.

You deal with less stress if you own less. Randy Alcorn said, “Every increased possession adds increased stress.” Your possessions will break down, stop fitting you or need to be upgraded.
你擁有的較少,就會面對較少壓力。蘭迪艾爾康說: "每增加物質財富就增加壓力。" 你的所有物會壞掉,不再適合你,或是需要升級。

If you can be content with having less, you can seize opportunities to be generous to those in need. You will also have fewer distractions so you can focus on the things that really matter, that make you happy.

Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived and also the richest, wrote in Ecclesiastes 5:10: “Whoever loves money never has money enough. Whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income.”
所羅門,也就是最聰明也最富有的人,曾在傳道書5:10寫到: "貪 愛 銀 子 的 , 不 因 得 銀 子 知 足 ; 貪 愛 豐 富 的 , 也 不 因 得 利 益 知 足 。 這 也 是 虛 空 。"

Only Christ satisfies.

He couldn’t have said it more clearly than he did in Matthew 6:19: “Do not store up for yourself treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal.”
祂在馬太福音6:19裡面說的再清楚不過了: "不要為自己積攢財寶在地上,地上有蟲子咬,能鏽壞,也有賊挖窟窿來偷。"

When we have less, we can focus on him.

I’ve noticed a common denominator in our brothers and sisters in Christ in countries all over the third world – a rare and abiding joy. When I meet them, I catch myself wondering, “How can they be so joyful? They don’t have anything.”
我注意到一件共通的事情,就在身處於第三世界的基督徒弟兄以及姊妹身上- 一種珍貴的還有持久的喜樂。當我見到他們,我發現我開始思考: "他們怎麼可以那麼喜樂? 他們甚麼都沒有啊。"

Do you hear the motto of our culture coming through in that question? And if we were to say the question out loud, do you know what they would say? “I’m joyful because I don’t have anything.”
你聽到了我們的文化座右銘從這個問題顯現嗎? 如果我們要大聲唸出這個問題,你知道他們會說甚麼嗎? "我很喜樂,因為我沒有任何東西。"

When my son and I went to India a few years ago, we spent a lot of time at McDonald’s because he didn’t really want to eat the Indian food.

We were with Joseph – a Christian leader in India and one of the most joyful people I know – one night and asked him to go with us to McDonald’s. We got in line, and he asked me, “What do I do?”
我們跟約瑟-一個印度的領導人,以及我認識最喜樂的人之一-一天晚上我問他要不要跟我們去麥當勞。我們開始排隊,他問我: "我要做甚麼?"

And I said, “You order your dinner.”

He said he’d never been there before, that McDonald’s was way too expensive for him. I told him how to order, and he got a burger and fries. He ate that burger like he was eating a steak at a fine restaurant.

Then he got some ice cream for dessert, and as soon as it hit his tongue, he said in wonder, “Ohhh! It’s cold!” He had never had ice cream before. Joseph doesn’t have very much, but he’s full of joy.
之後,他又點了冰淇淋當甜點,然後他的舌頭觸碰到冰淇淋的瞬間,他驚訝的說,"哇! 是冰的!" 他從來沒有吃過冰淇淋。約瑟擁有的沒有很多,但是他充滿喜樂。

I’ve actually heard conversations with brothers and sisters in the third world who feel sorry for us because we have so much stuff.

They know that less is better. We need to remember that excess is not success; excess is supply – a supply for people in need.

A few weeks ago, while I was cleaning under my bathroom sink, I found a bin of old glasses I had forgotten. There were 16 pairs of nice glasses, just collecting dust.

All of sudden, I thought, “What can we do with these? Who needs them?” And I remembered something from a mission trip to the Amazon. Villagers would try on pair after pair of glasses – glasses we no longer needed – until they found a pair that would enable them to see. And I thought that Jesus was going to make 16 blind people see through my old glasses.
突然之間,我想,"我能拿它們做些甚麼?誰需要這些?" 然後我想起我去亞馬遜傳道的那次。村民應該會試戴一副又一副的眼鏡,我們不需要的眼鏡-直到他們找到一副使他們可以看得清楚的。然後我想,耶穌要透過我讓16個弱視的人重新看見。

I couldn’t wait for those people to see clearly for the first time. When you can use your excess to meet other people’s needs, it’s a beautiful thing.


    創作者 小小基督徒酥喵羊 的頭像


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