


God and Pessimism




For the longest time, I have felt the grip of pessimism.



I woke up every morning and I would pray, but I still feel weary.



As a Christian, I know that I should fix my eyes on God only.



However, as a living human being, I just have to live in this material world ().



Like right now, one month have gone by and I haven't done much.



Except that I had to translate a short letter at some point,



I began to feel that I will be involuntarily dismissed, which is good because I don't want to stay.



So, what does God think of pessimism?



Please see the following dialogue:



上帝: 早安,我的女兒,今天是禮拜一呢!

God: Good morning my daughter, today is Monday!


酥喵: 對啊,又是沒事做的一天,太好了。

Ms. Su-Miao: That's right, another day without doing anything.


上帝: 的確,最近妳比較空閒。

God: True, you have more time on your hands now.


酥喵: 上帝,我怎麼還不被資遣? 每天沒事做也很煩。

Ms. Su-Miao: God, how come I'm not laid off yet?  Doing nothing is truly painful.


上帝: 那妳不上班要做甚麼呢?

God: So if you don't work, what will you do?


酥喵: 我會努力找其他事情吧! 其實我很厭世,為什麼我還活著呢?

Ms.Su-Miao: I will try hard to find another job!  I'm actually tired of living, why am I still alive?


上帝: 生命在我啊! 難道妳沒事做就要收回妳生命嗎,孩子?

God: I control life, and just because you have nothing to do, I shall take your life my child?


酥喵: 我只是覺得無所事事,活在世界上也只是排放廢氣而已。

Ms. Su-Miao: I just feel like I'm doing nothing, and I merely breathe out carbon dioxide in this world.


上帝: 我懂了,妳把生命的價值都放在工作上?

God: I see, you've placed your life values on your work only?


酥喵: 也不是。只是覺得沒做事感覺不好。

Ms. Su-Miao: Not really, I just don't feel accomplished.


上帝: 妳會有事情做的,如果真的沒事,我自然會把妳帶到別的地方。

God: You will have something to do.  If you are done here, I will bring you elsewhere.


酥喵: 我是不是這輩子都只能這樣了?

Ms. Su-Miao: Is this all I will be in this life?


上帝: 妳想太多了,這不是妳要擔心的,難道妳還能預測下一秒要發生甚麼?

God: You think too much, this is not your concern.  Could you even predict what will happen next?


酥喵: 我是無法。

Ms. Su-Miao: That I cannot.


上帝: 活在當下每一秒,即便妳覺得無聊。生命就是每分每秒的累積。

God: Live in the moment's every second, even if you feel bored.  Life is the accumulation of each second and minute.


酥喵: 世界還是讓我厭倦啊! 上帝。

Ms. Su-Miao: The world still makes me weary, Father.


上帝: 我知道,孩子。但是生命的本質就是會經歷情緒,人生也不會永遠難過或快樂。

God: I know, my child.  But life was made to undergo all types of emotions.  You won't always be sad or happy.


酥喵: 累的時候我該怎麼辦呢?

Ms. Su-Miao: What should I do when I feel tired?


上帝: 休息啊。不要慌張,我總會帶領妳。聖靈也會的。

God: Take a rest.  Don't panic, I will take the lead.  The Holy Spirit shall help too.


酥喵: 如果還是厭世呢?

Ms. Su-Miao: What if I still feel weary?


上帝: 那想想妳要如何才能不厭世。這個世界遲早會走到盡頭,厭倦也只是暫時。

God: Think about how not to feel weary.  This world will come to an end, weariness is just temporary.


酥喵: 所以,我該把注意力放在如何不厭世,盡量活在當下嗎?

Ms. Su-Miao: So, I should put my focus on how not to feel weary, and live in the moment as best as I can?


上帝: 是的。妳的努力我都知道,孩子。

God: Yes.  I see all your efforts, my child.


酥喵: 我真的盡力了,上帝。

Ms.Su-Miao: I tried my best, Father. 


上帝: 人生不是遊戲,不能半途而廢。當妳厭世,我會給妳力量,但是妳要相信我。

God: Life is not a game, you cannot just quit.  When you feel weary, I will give you power.  But you have to believe in me.


酥喵: 我知道了,上帝。

Ms. Su-Miao: Acknowledged, Father.



    創作者 小小基督徒酥喵羊 的頭像


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