5 Ways to Witness to Unbelievers
Pastor Jack Wellman
Here are 5 ways you can share Christ with those who don’t believe.
By Your Love 透過你的愛
There was one identifying mark of believers that is very important to God. It is so important that Jesus said it would be one thing that would stand out to the world. He told His disciples, “I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34-35). People won’t know we are Jesus’ disciples by our church attendance, by our apologetics, by our Bible history, or by our memorizing Scripture. It will be by our love for one another that “all men” will know we are His disciples. It is by our love for one another that everyone will know who Jesus’ disciples are, but also who are not Jesus’ disciples. It’s guaranteed that you are not a child of God if you hate others, including your brother or sister in Christ. We cannot say we love God but hate our brother or sister (1 John 3). Those things are irreconcilable. You cannot say, “I love you God,” but say to your neighbor, “I hate you!” I don’t think God appreciates it when you say you love Him, but you can’t stand to be around His children.
對上帝來說,信徒有一個非常重要的識別標記。這個標記重要到耶穌說,就是這件事情讓信徒與世界分別開來。祂告訴祂的門徒說: 「我 賜 給 你 們 一 條 新 命 令 , 乃 是 叫 你 們 彼 此 相 愛 ; 我 怎 樣 愛 你 們 , 你 們 也 要 怎 樣 相 愛 。你 們 若 有 彼 此 相 愛 的 心 , 眾 人 因 此 就 認 出 你 們 是 我 的 門 徒 了 。」人們不會因為我們去教會,護教學,我們聖經的歷史,或是我們背誦的經文而知道我們是耶穌的門徒。我們的愛將會是讓"所有的人"都知道我們是祂的門徒。我們對於彼此的愛將會讓所有人知道我們是耶穌的門徒,然後誰不是耶穌的門徒。如果你恨其他人,你保證不是上帝的孩子,包括你的弟兄或是姊妹。我們不能說我們愛上帝,但是我們恨我們的弟兄或姊妹(1約翰一書3)。這些是無法妥協的事情。你不能說: "我愛祢,上帝,"但是卻對你們鄰舍說: "我恨你!" 我不認為當你對上帝說你愛祂,但是你無法與祂的孩子們相處,上帝會是開心的。
By Your Life 透過你的生活方式
Jesus said we are to be salt and light in a dead, decaying, dark world (Matt 5:13-16). Salt is a preservative, and we have the words of eternal life (in the Bible). We are a light that’s to be set on a hill, but we can’t shine the light in people’s faces, and we can’t pour too much salt into a person’s life. Too much of anything makes people avoid it, so we must be a light in a darkened world, and salt that enhances, but not overwhelms those around us. Salted speech is good as it builds others up (Col 4:6), and since there’s enough negativity already out there, we can use all the help we can get. John MacArthur said that we might be the only Bible some people will ever read. How true.
By Your Words 透過你的言語
Words can hurt. Not long ago a friend of mine committed suicide. He was a fellow pastor, and his friends said “He died the death of a thousand cuts.” Words hurt. They can build up or they can tear down, and if unbelievers see us cutting others down by our words, they’ll see us as no different from the rest of the world. If there’s no difference between us and the world, why would they ever want to become a Christian? One man said, “I love your Jesus…it’s your Christians I have trouble with,” and that’s too bad because a bad example is a bad witness for Christ. Truly, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits” (Prov 18:21). What we say matters. Jesus warned that “by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemn” (Matt 12:37), proving that “on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak” (Matt 12:36).
言語能傷人。前陣子,我一個朋友自殺了。他是一個牧師,而他的朋友說「他受了一千次的割傷而死。」語言能傷人。它們可以建造,也可以破壞。如果非信徒看到我們用言語戶相傷害,他們就會認為我們與世界並無不同。如果我們與世界並無不同,那他們怎麼會想要成為基督徒呢? 一個人曾說過: 「我愛祢,耶穌。但是你的基督徒信徒讓我無所適從,」這並不好,因為不好的榜樣也就是為了基督做不好的見證。「生 死 在 舌 頭 的 權 下 , 喜 愛 他 的 , 必 吃 他 所 結 的 果 子 。」(箴言18:21)。我們說的話很重要。耶穌警告過我們:「我 又 告 訴 你 們 , 凡 人 所 說 的 閒 話 , 當 審 判 的 日 子 , 必 要 句 句 供 出 來 ;」(馬太福音12:37)還有:「因 為 要 憑 你 的 話 定 你 為 義 , 也 要 憑 你 的 話 定 你 有 罪 。」
By Your Humility 透過你的謙卑
God resists the proud but gives His grace to the humble (James 4:6), but I believe people resist the proud too. Who likes being around someone who seems to know it all and is constantly bragging about their accomplishments? No one generally likes to hang around with people like that, but humble people are different. They speak with gentleness, respect, and in a quiet, meek spirit. They don’t condemn or judge others. They don’t gossip about others, but instead, they’re honest about their self and their own shortcomings. Transparency is attractive to people, and it’s a powerful magnet that can draw people to Christ. Moses was said to be the meekest man on earth (Num 12:3), but no one ever accused him of being weak. Being humble is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength under control.
By Your Trials 透過你的考驗
How can trials help you in witnessing to the lost? When we get into hard places and it looks like we’re in big trouble, the world is watching us. When our backs are against the wall, they’re watching to see if we’ll crumple. They want to see how we’ll react to the pressure. Will we really trust the God we profess? Will we have peace while we’re in the storm? Will our faith shine through in the times of darkness? If so, that’s a powerful witness, because the lost are going through the same thing, but they don’t have God to help them! When we rely on God, trusting Him in the storm, unbelievers will see that our faith is real, even when it’s tested, because a faith that’s never been tested can never be trusted.
Conclusion 結論
It will be by your love that you will attract people to Christ. Jesus drilled into the disciples head “that we should love one another” (1 John 3:11b). This is how “We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers” (1 John 3:14), so it is of the first and utmost importance that we love one other. This is how unbelievers will know who Jesus’ disciples (John 13:34-45), but it is also by your words. Will they hear uplifting words or words of judgment and gossip? Will hear the words that build others up or tear others down? It should be by your life that they see the light of Christ. It is by your love that they will know who Jesus’ disciples are. It is by your humility that they can see Christ-likeness, and it is by enduring trials that show unbelievers just how strong your faith is. God does not test us so that we’ll fail. God does not test us to learn how strong or weak our faith is. He already knows this. God allows tests to refine us and make us depend upon Him, but also to show to us just how weak and strong our faith is. If it’s strong…that’s a powerful witness for Jesus Christ.
你的愛才是吸引人們來認識基督。耶穌對祂的門徒耳提面命說: 「我們應當彼此相愛,」(約翰一書3:11b)。這也就是「我們因愛弟兄姊妹,便知道自己已經出死入生了。不愛弟兄姊妹的,仍然陷在死亡中。」(約翰一書3:14),所以,彼此相愛就是第一而且最重要的事情。這就是非信徒要如何認得我們就是耶穌的門徒(約翰福音13:34-45),但是也是透過我們的話語。他們會聽到建造的話,還是批判以及八卦呢? 他們會聽到彼此建立還是彼此毀滅的話呢? 你生命的展現應該讓他們看到基督的光。你的愛才能讓他們知道誰才是耶穌的門徒。你的謙卑才能喪他們看到像基督的樣式,也藉由忍耐試煉告訴非信徒我們的信仰有多堅強。上帝不是為了讓我們失敗才查驗我們。上帝也不是為了讓我們知道我們的信仰多堅固或是脆弱才查驗我們。祂已經知道了。上帝藉由試煉來煉淨我們,也讓我們依靠祂,但是也藉此讓我們看到我們的信仰有多堅固或是脆弱。如果我們的信仰堅固,我們就是耶穌基督最強而有力的見證。