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A Prayer for the One Questioning Their Calling
Alicia Searl
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” - Ephesians 4:1-2
"我為主被囚的勸你們:既然蒙召,行事為人就當與蒙召的恩相稱。凡事謙虛、溫柔、忍耐,用愛心互相寬容。" 以弗所書 4:1-2
The other day I had lunch with two of my closest friends. We strive to get together at least once a month to check in, catch up, and pray for each other. It is a sweet time I look forward to and blesses me beyond words. Due to the holidays, busy schedules, and just life in general, our monthly lunch dates got put on hold for a while. So, when we finally met up, I was overjoyed to see them!
During our conversation, we discussed our calling and God’s will. Then after a sip of her tea, one of my friends looked me gently in the eye and asked, “How did you know writing was your calling?” I froze. I didn’t know what to say because in that moment, I didn’t really know, much less know how to answer her. Immediately I felt disqualified. My thoughts went all over the place, including down a dangerous rabbit hole of believing maybe I didn’t hear God correctly. Maybe I misunderstood my calling? After a few awkward moments of silence, I answered her this way.
當我們在聊天,我們談到彼此的呼召還有上帝的旨意。當我一個朋友喝完茶,緩緩地看著我問說,"你怎麼知道寫作是你的呼召?" 我停頓了一下。我當下不知道如何回應,其實我也不確定,所以也不能回答。我立刻感覺到我好像失去了說話的資格。我的思緒開始東奔西跑,包括相信我可能聽錯上帝說的話。也許我誤解了我的呼召? 在尷尬的空氣中,我回答了她的問題。
“I am not sure if I am necessarily called to write, but I can assure you of this – when I pull up to my computer and place my fingers upon that keyboard, I am met with His words, not mine. He is with me. I feel Him, and it’s such a precious time to me.” I also added that when I am not writing, I miss it, and I miss that special bonding time with the Lord. Then I began to realize that writing isn’t about me at all. Because, in all honesty, I am not qualified. I don’t have the words. I am a mess, and my words fall short, but God somehow meets me. He always shows up – every single time. He leads and guides my words. He softens my heart. He shows me who He is.
Ephesians 4 describes that we are all called to live intentionally and on purpose as believers. When we meet with God in His Word, through prayer, and even as we seek counsel through fellow Christian friends, our calling becomes clear. The truth about our calling is that God will always prepare the way and plant desires in our hearts to glorify Him; all we have to do is submit.
We are also urged to live a life worthy of the calling we have received. We aren’t to question, step away in fear, wait until the right time, or wait until we feel qualified. All we are meant to do is lean in and trust.
Is God speaking to your heart? Do you feel a gentle (or maybe a very clear) nudge to do “that thing” your mind may be telling you that you can’t, but every fiber of your being is telling you to just go for it. Then get wrapped up in it and be a servant to the Lord. He is waiting for you to say, “yes!”
上帝有對你的心說話嗎? 你有感到一個輕微的 (或是一個非常清楚的) 感動去"從事"你理性認為你無法,但是你全身的細胞都在告訴你 "去吧"的事情嗎。全力去做,然後服侍上帝。祂正在等你說 "我願意"!
Let’s pray:
O Lord,
My answer is yes! I love you and want to be obedient, so use me for Your will. I am truly humbled that You would even consider me worthy. In all things, big or small, help me hear Your voice and respond with a sincere heart. Reveal to me who You need me to serve, love, and reach.
我的答案是我願意! 我願意順服,請你依照你的旨意差遣我。我對祢願意差遣我,認同我的價值感到謙卑。無論在大事小事上,請幫助我都能以一顆誠懇的心回應祢。請顯明祢認為哪些人需要我的服侍、付出愛,與關懷。
Etch in my heart that with You, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Grant me wisdom and discernment to recognize the difference between Your calling on my life and the plans I seek for my own will. Surround me with fellow Christians who will build me up and remind me to keep pursuing You and encourage me when I slip into doubt or fear and question Your calling for me. Also, grant me the wisdom and courage to provide my fellow friends with the support they need to serve You.
烙印這段經文在我心上: 在 人 這 是 不 能 的 , 在 神 凡 事 都 能 。(馬太福音19:26)。請給我智慧,還有分辨的能力,去辨別祢對我的呼召,還有我自己的計畫。請讓我被能夠建造我的基督徒們圍繞,提醒我繼續追求祢,當我在疑惑與懼怕中懷疑呼召的時候鼓勵我。請給我智慧與勇氣,讓我能夠給予我的基督徒朋友們所需的支援來服侍祢。
When I don’t feel cut out for the calling You so graciously placed in my life, please remind me that You designed me for a special purpose. When I fail to trust You and fear or anxiety grips my heart, help me submit and follow You with a sense of urgency.
Lord, I lay my heart at your feet today. I seek Your will, Your way, and Your calling. Grant me peace as I walk into the unknown but trust You with each step. I will wait patiently on You to lead and guide me. I am your humble and faithful servant.